M20 Genomics

Launch of the KAP Initiative by Leveraging VITA Single-cell Transcriptome Platform: Pioneering Research into Multidrug-Resistant and Hypervirulent Klebsiella pneumoniae

2024-09  /  View: 222

Last week, we officially launched the Klebsiella Action Project (KAP), a global initiative designed to accelerate research on hypervirulent Klebsiella pneumoniae (hvKp) ST23, a pathogen posing a growing public health threat worldwide. This initiative seeks to gather the global scientific community in a collaborative effort to explore the complex biological characteristics of hvKp ST23, specifically focusing on its resistance mechanisms and virulence factors.

However, research on multidrug-resistant hvKp has long been constrained by traditional methods, which fail to offer a comprehensive understanding of resistance mechanisms and the associated functional heterogeneity. The KAP initiative seeks to overcome these limitations by leveraging the VITA single-cell transcriptomics platform, which delivers cutting-edge technology for studying multidrug-resistant hvKp. With its unprecedented resolution, VITA is instrumental in unraveling the complex dynamics of and reshaping the landscape of microbial research.

Current Limitations in Research on hvKp

Traditional methods such as bulk RNA-sequencing and culture-based techniques are commonly used to investigate microbial communities. However, these techniques present several significant limitations:

Low Resolution: Traditional methods generally assess microbial populations at the community level, which overlooks the functional heterogeneity present within individual cells. This approach frequently fails to detect rare but significant events, such as the emergence of antibiotic resistance in a subset of the population, resulting in heteroresistance. In the context of hypervirulent K. pneumoniae, this limitation can obscure the identification of resistant subpopulations.

Static Analysis: Most existing methods lack the ability to dynamically monitor microbial responses to environmental changes, such as antibiotic pressure. This limitation in tracking rapid cellular responses impedes our understanding of bacterial adaptation mechanisms.

Given these limitations, the study of hvKp—particularly its drug resistance and virulence—demands advanced tools that can uncover its complex molecular mechanisms. This is where single-cell sequencing comes into play.

The Advantages of Single-Cell Sequencing in Microbial Research

Single-cell RNA sequencing (scRNA-seq) offers a powerful alternative by providing:

High-Resolution Analysis: scRNA-seq enables high-resolution analysis of gene expression at the single-cell level, uncovering heterogeneity within bacterial populations. This method is particularly effective for identifying heteroresistance, a phenomenon where a small subset of bacterial cells exhibits drug resistance while the majority remains susceptible, the phenomenon often missed by traditional methods. By detecting these rare subpopulations, scRNA-seq enables to provide critical insights into how hvKp ST23 adapts to its environment, driving shifts in drug resistance, virulence, and key events like resistance mutations or specialized stress responses.

Dynamic Monitoring: Single-cell technologies allow for the real-time tracking of cellular responses to environmental changes, giving researchers insights into how bacteria like K. pneumoniae survive and adapt under antibiotic pressure.

VITA single-cell transcriptome platform is uniquely equipped to meet the challenges of studying multiple drug-resistant hvKp ST23. By providing unprecedented insights into bacterial gene expression and functional diversity, the platform enables researchers to underly the key molecular mechanisms of K. pneumoniae resistance and virulence.

VITA Single-Cell Transcriptome Platform in K. pneumoniae Research

Here, we present a K. pneumoniae sample analyzed using the VITA single-cell transcriptome platform. The analysis identified six distinct functional subgroups, each clustered and annotated according to its unique gene expression profile, with varying proportions observed across the different functional subpopulations (Figure 1 and 2). For example, subgroup 5, annotated as "Competition and DNA repair," is characterized by the high expression of genes such as recA, recN, and uvrB. These genes are involved in DNA repair processes and the release of the Colicin E3 toxin. These findings suggest that this subgroup plays a crucial role in both inter-bacterial competition and in maintaining genetic integrity under stress conditions, such as exposure to antibiotics.

Figure 1. Heatmap showing the differential gene expression across six functionally distinct subgroups within a single K. pneumoniae sample


Figure 2. Left: Six functionally annotated clusters identified within a single K. pneumoniae sample. Right: Pie chart depicting the proportions of various functional clusters within the single K. pneumoniae sample

Subgroup 3, labeled "Type 3 fimbriae," shows significant enrichment in the expression of the mrk gene family (Figure 3), particularly mrkA, mrkB, mrkC, and mrkD. These genes encode the components of type 3 fimbriae, which are critical for biofilm formation and bacterial adhesion to host cells. Of these, mrkA plays a pivotal role in the formation of fimbrial shafts, while mrkD facilitates the adherence of the bacteria to host tissues. This adherence, particularly to tracheal epithelial cells and basement membrane components, promotes colonization and infection in host tissues. The formation of biofilms, facilitated by type 3 fimbriae, is closely linked to antibiotic resistance, as biofilms provide a protective barrier that enhances bacterial survival against both host immune defenses and clinical antimicrobial treatments.

Figure 3. Heatmap showing different gene expression level of mrkA, mrkB, mrkC and mrkD in all clusters within the single K. pneumoniae sample

The analysis of the mrk gene family highlights the heterogeneity of expression within the bacterial population, while in bulk RNA-seq analyses, the significantly high expression of mrk gene family in Type 3 fimbriae subgroup, which only accounting for 13% of the total population, could be obscured by the lower expression levels in the broader population (Figure 4). Therefore, relying solely on bulk RNA-seq analysis would result in the loss of crucial information regarding the high expression of Type 3 fimbriae. The ability to detect these high-expression subpopulations is crucial for understanding how certain bacteria within a population contribute disproportionately to infection and resistance.

Figure 4. Box plots comparing the gene expression of mrkAmrkBmrkC, and mrkD between different functional clusters and the overall population. The top row shows the gene expression level from bulk RNA-seq of the entire sample, while the bottom row displays the gene expression results for subgroup type 3 fimbriae and other subgroups detected using the VITA single-cell transcriptome platform.

Moreover, the identification of subgroups such as the "Competition and DNA repair" subgorup and the "Type 3 fimbriae" subgroup provides valuable insights into potential therapeutic targets. For instance, preventing the assembly or function of type 3 fimbriae could serve as a strategy for reducing bacterial adhesion and biofilm formation, offering new directions for vaccine development. Inhibiting the function of mrkA or other fimbrial components could disrupt the pathogen’s ability to establish infection, thus providing a novel means of controlling hvKp ST23 outbreaks.

The precision afforded by VITA single-cell transcriptome platform has far-reaching implications for the field of infectious disease research. By revealing the molecular heterogeneity within pathogenic bacterial populations, this technology not only advances our understanding of hvKp but also paves the way for novel therapeutic strategies targeting specific bacterial subpopulations. The detailed exploration of functional subgroups in this K.  pneumonia sample presents a critical step forward in combating multidrug-resistant pathogens and developing new treatments to curb the global health threat they pose.


As we advance the KAP initiative, M20 Genomics is committed to supporting researchers worldwide in their quest to combat multidrug-resistant hvKp. The integration of VITA single-cell transcriptome products into the arsenal of microbiological research tools represents a paradigm shift in our approach to understanding bacterial pathogenesis and resistance, offering hope for more effective interventions in the future.

M20 Genomics invites researchers globally to participate in KAP. By collaborating, we can enhance our knowledge of this deadly pathogen and devise innovative strategies to protect public health. Submit your project proposal via academic@m20genomics.com before 31st, Oct 2024 to be part of this vital initiative (For more details: https://www.m20genomics.com/2861.html). Together, we can tackle hvKp ST23 and pave the way for a healthier future.

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