The High-Throughput GutMicrobiome Single-Bacterium Transcriptome provides an end-to-end solution for detecting gene expression in Gut Microbiome samples. Seamlessly integrating the innovative VITApilote High-Throughput GutMicrobiome Single-Bacterium Transcriptome Kit, alongside the high-performance VITAcruizer Single-Cell Partitioning System and the advanced VITAseer Bioinformatics Software, this platform enables in-depth transcriptome profiling of 1,000-20,000 bacteria per sample. Through detailed insights into gene expression, VITA platform facilitates the study of functional and phenotypic heterogeneity within the gut microbiome.
Sample: Human gut microbiome (stool) sample
Single-Cell Transcriptome for Gut Microbiota Samples
VITAcruizer Single-Cell Partitioning System
VITAseer Bioinformatics Software