The MscRNA-seq High-Throughput Single-Species Single-Bacterium Transcriptome provides a comprehensive approach for single-cell transcriptome sequencing of individual bacteria. With the seamless combination of the cutting-edge VITApilote MscRNA-seq High-Throughput Single-Species Single-Bacterium Transcriptome Kit, the high-performance VITAcruizer Single-Cell Partitioning System, and the advanced VITAseer Bioinformatics Software, this platform enables unbiased full-length transcriptome profiling. With the capacity to analyze 1,000-20,000 bactera per sample, it facilitates a thorough investigation of gene expression.
Case Study with VITA Platform: Analysis of Escherichia coli treated with ampicillin at various time points reveals functional heterogeneity wihtin bacterial populations.
Single-Cell Transcriptome for Cultured Bacterial Samples
VITAcruizer Single-Cell Partitioning System
VITAseer Bioinformatics Software